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28 September 2013

Fighting Cocks and Life Lessons from Navajo tradition......

At a weekly fair in a village,  lady observed that there was one man who was placing bets on the winning bird every week in the Cockfight competition.

"I see that you are able to place bet on the Winning bird all the time. How do you manage that? " She asked him.

"Both the fighting cocks belong to me", he replied.

"But how do you know which one will win this specific fight?", persisted the lady.

"The one that wins is the one that I feed during the week", replied the man. 

I remembered this story, when I was reading another story in one of the books that I was reading. This story is from Navajo tribe.

Grandfather is telling his Grandson, "Always there is a fight between two wolves in my mind"

"What are they?" asked the Grandson.

"One is the good wolf. It is the wolf of kindness, humility, respect, positive thoughts, laughter etc. The other is the bad wolf. It is the wolf of revenge, enmity, anger, rudeness, arrogance, hatred etc"

"Which wolf wins the fight?" asked the Grandson

"The wolf that wins is the wolf that I feed", replied the Grandfather.

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