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26 March 2018

The story of god, devil and truth...

This story is from the book 'Tao Jones Averages', written by Bennett W Goodspeed. The story deals with man's tendency to understand, sort, order and arrange everything rather than feel and just go with the flow and take experiences as they are meant to be felt.

God and devil were debating about the goodness of man as they walked down a seldom-used road. While they were arguing about man's inner nature, they noticed the lonely figure of a man approaching them. Suddenly the man bent over and picked up a grain of 'truth'. "You see", god exclaimed, "man just discovered 'truth' and that proves that he is good". "Ah, so he did,", the devil replied, "but you don't understand the nature of man. Soon he will try to organized it, and then he will be mine!"

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